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Do you owns a car? Get an insurance firm to insure it

AIICO Auto Insurance covers all types of automobiles for both private and commercial uses. Also covered are motorcycles and tricycles.
Auto insurance is one of the compulsory insurance classes and anyone using a motor vehicle on the public highway must have it.

Auto insurance which is the most common of all the known classes of insurance is designed to protect the insured for loss of or damage to his/her vehicle, damage to Third Party property including bodily injury and death to Third Party caused by an accident whilst using their vehicle.
Reasons Why do you need auto insurance?
It is compulsory; it is the Law! (Road Traffic Act,1950)
Provides replacement cost of damage or theft of your car
To provide financial support for you when you damage other people’s property 
Re-imbursement of litigation cost
Types of Auto Insurance
 Third Party Auto Insurance
This policy covers death, accidental bodily injury and damage to the property of a third party
Comprehensive Auto Insurance
AIICO Insurance offers fully comprehensive, cost effective, motor vehicle insurance that cover all risks related to owning and driving a vehicle. Our motor policies are all customized and structured to suit your needs.
The Comprehensive Auto Insurance plan covers the loss or damage to insured vehicles as a result of fire, theft, vandalism, accidental damage or collision. Coverage also includes Legal Liability for death, bodily injury or damage to the property of 3rd parties arising out of the use of insured vehicles.

here they are

Reasons Why do you need auto insurance?
It is compulsory; it is the Law! (Road Traffic Act,1950)
Provides replacement cost of damage or theft of your car
To provide financial support for you when you damage other people’s property 
Re-imbursement of litigation cost
Types of Auto Insurance
 Third Party Auto Insurance

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