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How to raise Fund for your business and lawyer and an insurance firm

It is not unusual that many people already got an idea for the establishment of their own business but are still waiting for capital. 

Yes, it is good to wait for capital but if care is not taking, as time goes on; all the ideas gotten will fade away as a result of a long period of time. 

I will be telling you five good ways by which capital can be raised for that business of yours;
POCKET MONEY; You need to be diligent when it comes to the aspect of spending. It is not all you want that you need; this is simply put, there is different between want and need.
Whatsoever you want does not necessarily mean that you need it.

This means you can still live without having that thing you want but what you need is serving you at that period of time.
 There is what we call scale of preference in economics; it explains the difference between “want” and “need”. Taking for instance, you want to eat but you are not feeling hungry. You want food but you don’t need food at that particular time because you are not yet hungry. You need to know the difference between want and need so that your pocket money can be a good tool for raising your business. SAVINGS; Some people do not know how to save just a little out of their pocket money against the future. 

They lack how to store water against the dry season, they enjoy wasting the water during the rainy season and are left with nothing in the dry season. Cultivate the habit of saving at least 5% out of your pocket money per time.

You were given #10000 as pocket money; remove your commitment to God (i.e. Tithe) which is #1000. It remains #9000, nothing stop you from removing #500 for savings. Though #500 can be small, some still find it difficult or let me say, they are still struggling to save just #500 out of their every #9000 which is their pocket money. You need to cultivate the habit of savings

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